CONNECTION Tip: Recent Lookups

CONNECTION is an online parts catalogue and stand-alone ordering system for automotive parts sales. With CONNECTION you can check inventory and place an online order directly from your ACDelco parts supplier.

Recent Lookups will display when the vehicle selected was retrieved from the “Previous” or “Favourite Vehicles” and will show the lookups you performed on the selected vehicle. 

Helpful if more than one person is working on the car, you will always know what has been looked up in the past without having to start all over again.

Part Types are listed underneath the Date/Timestamp with the most recent Time-stamp/Part Type searches displayed at the top of the list. In addition, the username of the actual user who searched for the Part Type(s) is included as a reference. 

Part Type Search and Selection
To select a Part Type, click on the “Part Type” you are searching for. The selected Part Type will be added to the “My Selected Parts” bar. All Part Types added to the “My Selected Parts” bar will be stock checked for price and availability. 

Repeat the process to add as many Part Types as you wish. 

To search for all the parts from a previous lookup, click on “Select All Part Types in the Group” link. This will add all Parts Types to the “My Selected Parts” bar.

Remove a Part Type from the “My Selected Parts” bar
Select “Unselect all Part Types in the Group” to remove the part types associated to the Group.

To remove a single part type selection, simply uncheck it.

To remove all Part Types from the “My Selected Parts” Bar select the “Trash” button.

Stock Check Part Types
When you are ready to stock check the Part Types selected click on “Display Parts”. All Part Types added to the “My Selected Parts” bar will be submitted for price and availability. 

Search Tip: 
The “Parts Selected” counter is located under the “Display Parts” button and displays the total number of part types added to the “My Selected Parts” bar. 

The “Parts Selected” counter will indicate when the number of Part Type added reaches a number that may impact the speed your part results are displayed. You will have the option to proceed, however your results may take longer.