​CONNECTION TIP: Group/Subgroup

CONNECTION is an online parts catalogue and stand-alone ordering system for automotive parts sales. With CONNECTION you can check inventory and place an online order directly from your ACDelco parts supplier.

Take a look at this article for tips on how to utilize the search feature to find parts by Group and Subgroup!

For that classic part search experience, you can quickly find parts by Group and Subgroup. Features include the option to do a keyword search and the ability to add Part Type selections from multiple Groups and Subgroups.

Once a vehicle is selected you can access the “Group/Subgroup/Part Type” selection screen by clicking on “Group/Subgroup” from the search options. The screen will refresh displaying all associated Groups for the selected vehicle.

Part Type Search and Selection
Select a Group from the list OR enter a keyword in the Group Search box.

Select a Subgroup from the list OR enter a keyword in the Subgroup Search box to find the Part Type you are looking for. 

Select one or more Part Types by typing or clicking on the name(s). The selected Part Type(s) will be added to the “My Selected Parts” bar. 

To choose all part types in the subgroup, click the “Select All Part Types in this Subgroup” link. The selected Part Types will be added to the “My Selected Parts” bar. 

If you want to add more parts you can step back through the breadcrumbs, start aback at the group level or use one of the other methods to find parts. 

After you have selected all of the part types you wish to lookup, click the green “Display Parts” button in the upper right of any of the part selection screens.

Log into CONNECTION today to get started on your ordering!

To get access to CONNECTION, contact your ACDelco Distributor to obtain your login and password.